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General properties
Density: 1114 kg/m3/ 70 lb/ft3 ISO 1183-1
Thermal properties
Glass transition temperature: -44 °C / -47 °F ISO 11357-2
Melt volume temperature: 10.7 cm3/10 min / 0.7 in3/10 min (190 °C, 2.16 kg)
ISO 1133
General mechanical properties
Standard compression ratio at 23 °C, 72 h 26% ISO 815
Shrinkage at 70 °C, 24 h 52% ISO 815
Wear resistance 82 mm3 / 0.005 in3 ISO 4649
Shore A hardness (3 s)85 ISO 7619-1
Shore D hardness (15 s) 29 ISO 7619-1
Ultrafuse® TPU 85A filament should be stored at 15 - 25°C in its original sealed packaging in a clean and dry environment. If the recommended storage conditions are observed, the products will have a minimum shelf life of 12 months.
Ultrafuse® TPU 85A offers a wide range of stiffness grades with different designs, making this filament an ideal material for applications where specific degrees of flexibility are critical.
Ultrafuse® TPU 85A is available in its natural white color.
Chemical properties (e.g. resistance to certain substances) and solvent tolerance can be provided if these factors are relevant to the specific application. In general, these properties are consistent with available data for polyether-based TPUs.
This material does not meet FDA requirements.
Good low temperature flexibility, good wear and good damping behaviour are the main characteristics of Ultrafuse® TPU 85A.
Functional flexible parts Footwear, sports and leisure
Automotive, industrial manufacturing, agriculture, and construction